Mission & Objectives
The mission of Kirkwood Firewise is to reduce the risk and impacts of wildfires through community education and fire fuel reduction while maintaining the aesthetics of our beautiful forested community.
Objective #1
Raise Awareness - Create an atmosphere of sustained, shared responsibility helping the Kirkwood community help itself. Make people aware of their environment and the natural and man-made risks that wildfires pose to them, their family, their property, and their community.
Objective #2
Initiate Action - Provide Kirkwood residents and employees with specific steps they can take to protect their families, property, and/or business in the event of a wildfire. Educate residents on the key aspects of fire behavior and how “fire-hardened” homes and buildings can survive, through defensible space planning and proper mitigation techniques. Organize evacuation/preparedness training.
Objective #3
Sustain Action- Encourage defensible space practices as part of an ongoing fire prevention program. Organize annual clean-up days and chipping programs as important community collaboration projects. Collaborate with Forestry, Fire and related experts to identify areas at risk and obtain estimates for vegetation maintenance in common areas. Coordinate wildfire related outreach events and wildfire educational presentations with subject matter experts.